emma dallosso innovation | Cefla

BU Medical Equipment – Product Innovation

Interview with Emma Dall'Osso

Product Marketing & Quality Manager

Innovation for Cefla > BU Medical Equipment > Product innovation user

How does the Medical Equipment BU “read” today’s market so it can respond to the specific needs of both the market itself and the end consumer?

“To achieve this, we rely on multiple sources to provide us with valuable info and feedback. First, we gather direct feedback from people in the field, such as our Product Specialists, Sales Managers and Product Line Managers. Being in close contact with our products’ end users, they’re perfectly positioned to pass us detailed daily information on their needs, desires and challenges.

“We conduct in-depth market analysis for our products, and on key competitors. This helps us identify emerging trends, any gaps in the market and opportunities for differentiation.

We’ve also established partnerships with research bodies and key consultants in medicine and health technology, ensuring we’re always up to speed on the latest industry trends and innovations. Additionally, we rely on validation websites where experienced, qualified consultants provide feedback on our existing products and those under development. These experts have extensive experience in the medical industry and provide an independent, unbiased perspective on the quality, effectiveness and usability of our products. This feedback helps us refine our existing products and guides the development of new solutions that will respond effectively to end consumers’ needs.”

How important is our credibility and reliability in building relationships with existing and potential customers?

“Reliability and credibility are essential. In fact, reliability is a crucial intangible asset of any company or brand, a value-generator in relationships with all stakeholders, from suppliers through to consumers and shareholders. Corporate reputation has multiple factors: credibility, reliability, transparency, accountability, presentability, honourability, sustainability and integrity. All of them are the result of behaviours and viewpoints held by the company at ethical, professional, financial, managerial and human level.”

Do these twin concepts refer to both product and service? How does the Medical Equipment BU leverage these two concepts to maintain leadership in its market segments and drive innovation?

“The Medical Equipment BU has always maintained a sharp focus on its credibility and reliability. Firstly, the BU is committed to maintaining high levels of product and service quality. Every product undergoes rigorous quality control, ensuring it complies with the highest standards of the medical industry.

We invest in the Research and Development of new technologies and breakthrough medical solutions, in observance of all existing standards, ensuring products and services comply with all the laws in force.

The Medical Equipment BU is especially attentive to customer relationship management and constantly seeks to understand customer needs and provide personalised solutions.”

What new segments are we moving into and how do we enter new markets and explore latent needs?

“With their use as real-time clinical-diagnostic tools increasingly commonplace, the Medical Equipment BU sees digital technologies as vital. Virtual options, operated via software and apps, are also gaining ground. For example, we’re now seeing the advent of AI-based image diagnostics.”

To what extent does our sales model match our "innovation-oriented" approach to the market?

“To grow, we need to invest in innovating our services and products or internal processes, which need to be made more efficient and profitable than those of competing companies. In situations where launching new products or services on the market is not feasible, innovating the business model offers a profitable strategy that sets us apart from the competition.

Value is created when you help a customer solve a problem, satisfy a desire, and achieve key goals. Our every effort focuses on those needs.”